While not part of the scope of this package, some simple utilities for iterating over data sets is provided.
The only iterator which is in some sense special for this package is RepeatPartitionIterator
which produces iterators over a subset of its wrapped iterator. This is useful when one wants to ensure that all models see the same (possibly randomly augmented) data in the same order. Note that this is not certain to be the best strategy for finding good models for a given data set and this package does (intentionally) blur the lines a bit between model training protocol and architecture search.
data = reshape(collect(1:4*5), 4,5)
labels = collect(1:5)
Simple and fast batching of in-memory data is done by BatchIterator
biter = BatchIterator((data, labels), 2)
@test size.(first(biter)) == ((4, 2), (2,))
Move data to gpu.
giter = GpuIterator(biter)
@test first(giter) == first(biter) |> gpu
This is the only iterator which is "special" for this package:
rpiter = RepeatPartitionIterator(biter, 2)
It produces iterators over a subset of the wrapped iterator (2 batches in this case).
piter = first(rpiter)
@test length(piter) == 2
This allows for easily training several models on the same subset of the data.
for modeli in 1:3
for ((feature, label), (expf, expl)) in zip(piter, biter)
@test feature == expf
@test label == expl
is typically used in conjunction with TrainThenFitness
to map a generation. number to an iterator from a RepeatPartitionIterator
sgiter = StatefulGenerationIter(rpiter)
for (generationnr, topiter) in enumerate(rpiter)
gendata = collect(NaiveGAflux.itergeneration(sgiter, generationnr))
expdata = collect(topiter)
@test gendata == expdata
is useful for preventing that models which take very long time to train/validate slow down the process.
timediter = TimedIterator(;
timeoutaction = () -> TimedIteratorStop,
last = 0
for i in timediter
last = i
if i > 2
@test last === 6 # Sleep after 2, then 4 patience.
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