Mutation Operations
Core Vertex Mutation Operations
— TypeNoutMutation <:AbstractMutation{AbstractVertex} NoutMutation(l1::Real,l2::Real, rng::AbstractRNG) NoutMutation(limit, rng::AbstractRNG=rng_default) NoutMutation(l1,l2)
Mutate the out size of a vertex or vector of vertices.
Size is changed by x * nout(v)
rounded away from from zero where x
is drawn from U(minrel, maxrel)
where minrel
and maxrel
are l1
and l2
if l1 < l2
and l2
and l1
— TypeAddVertexMutation <:AbstractMutation{AbstractVertex} AddVertexMutation(s::AbstractArchSpace, outselect::Function, WeightInit::AbstractWeightInit, rng::AbstractRNG) AddVertexMutation(s, outselect::Function=identity) AddVertexMutation(s, rng::AbstractRNG) AddVertexMutation(s, wi::AbstractWeightInit)
Insert a vertex from the wrapped AbstractArchSpace
after a given vertex v
The function outselect
takes an AbstractVector{AbstractVertex}
representing the output of v
and returns an AbstractVector{AbstractVertex}
which shall be reconnected to the vertex v'
returned by s
. Defaults to identity
meaning all outputs of v
are reconnected to v'
— TypeRemoveVertexMutation <:AbstractMutation{AbstractVertex} RemoveVertexMutation(s::RemoveStrategy) RemoveVertexMutation()
Remove the given vertex v
using the configured RemoveStrategy
Default size align strategy is IncreaseSmaller -> DecreaseBigger -> AlignSizeBoth -> FailAlignSizeWarn -> FailAlignSizeRevert
Default reconnect strategy is ConnectAll
Note: High likelyhood of large accuracy degradation after applying this mutation.
— TypeAddEdgeMutation <: AbstractMutation{AbstractVertex} AddEdgeMutation(p; rng=rngdefault, mergefun=defaultmergefun(rng=rng), filtfun=noshapechange, utilityfun=defaultneuronselect) AddEdgeMutation(p::Probability; rng=rngdefault, mergefun=defaultmergefun(rng=rng), filtfun=noshapechange, utilityfun=defaultneuronselect)
Add an edge from a vertex vi
to another vertex vo
randomly selected from vs = filtfun(vi)
Higher values of p
will give more preference to earlier vertices of vs
If vo
is not capable of having multiple inputs (determined by singleinput(v) == true
), vm = mergefun(voi)
where voi
is a randomly selected input to vo
will be used instead of vo
and vo
will be added as the output of vm
When selecting neurons/outputs after any eventual size change the output of utilityfun(v)
will be used to determine the utlity of each output in vertex v
. Note that length(utilityfun(v)) == nout(v)
must hold.
Note: High likelyhood of large accuracy degradation after applying this mutation.
— TypeRemoveEdgeMutation <: AbstractMutation{AbstractVertex} RemoveEdgeMutation(;utilityfun=defaultneuronselect, rng=rngdefault)
Remove an edge from a vertex vi
to another vertex vo
randomly selected from outputs(vi)
Vertex vi
must have more than one output and vertex vo
must have more than one output for the edge to be removed. Otherwise no change is made.
If there are multiple edges between vi
and vo
no change will be made due to NaiveNASlib not being able to revert a failed operation in this case..
When selecting neurons/outputs after any eventual size change the output of utilityfun(v)
will be used to determine the utlity of each output in vertex v
. Note that length(utilityfun(v)) == nout(v)
must hold.
Note: High likelyhood of large accuracy degradation after applying this mutation.
— TypeKernelSizeMutation{N} <: AbstractMutation{AbstractVertex} KernelSizeMutation(Δsizespace::AbstractParSpace{N, Int}; maxsize, pad, rng) KernelSizeMutation2D(absΔ::Integer;maxsize, pad, rng) KernelSizeMutation(absΔ::Integer...;maxsize, pad, rng)
Mutate the size of filter kernels of convolutional layers.
Note: High likelyhood of large accuracy degradation after applying this mutation.
is a convenience constructor for KernelSizeMutation(absΔ, absΔ;...)
— TypeActivationFunctionMutation{T,R} <: AbstractMutation{AbstractVertex} where {T <: AbstractParSpace{1}, R <: AbstractRNG} ActivationFunctionMutation(actspace::AbstractParSpace{1}, rng::AbstractRNG) ActivationFunctionMutation(acts...;rng=rngdefault) ActivationFunctionMutation(acts::AbstractVector;rng=rngdefault)
Mutate the activation function of layers which have an activation function.
Note: High likelyhood of large accuracy degradation after applying this mutation.
Core Optimiser Mutation Operations
— Typestruct OptimiserMutation{F} <: AbstractMutation{Optimisers.AbstractRule}
OptimiserMutation(os::Union{Tuple, <:AbstractArray})
Mutatates optimisers not wrapped in ShieldedOpt
through optfun
Invoked recursively for Optimisers.OptimiserChain
— FunctionLearningRateMutation(rng=rng_default)
Return an OptimiserMutation
which mutates the learning rate of optimisers.
— TypeAddOptimiserMutation{F} <: AbstractMutation{Optimisers.AbstractRule}
Adds optimiser generated by optgen(os)
to the set of optimisers where os
is the existing set.
An attempt to merge optimisers of the same type is made using mergeopts
Core IteratorMap Mutation Operations
— TypeTrainBatchSizeMutation{R<:Real, Q, RNG<:AbstractRNG}
TrainBatchSizeMutation(l1, l2, quantizeto, rng)
TrainBatchSizeMutation(l1, l2, rng::AbstractRNG)
TrainBatchSizeMutation(l1, l2, quantizeto)
TrainBatchSizeMutation(l1, l2)
Mutate the batch size used for training.
Maximum possible relative change is determined by the numbers l1
and l2
Behaviour depends on quantizeto
(default Int
) in the following way.
If quantizeto
is a DataType
(e.g Int
) then the largest possible increase is maxrel * batchsize
and the largest possible decrease is minrel * batchsize
where minrel
and maxrel
are l1
and l2
if l1 < l2
and l2
and l1
otherwise. Note that if (minrel, maxrel)
is not symetric around 0
the mutation will be biased.
More precisely, the new size is round(quantizeto, (x+1) * batchsize)
where x
is drawn from U(minrel, maxrel)
If quantizeto
is a an array or tuple of values then the new size is drawn from quantizeto
with elements closer to the current batch size being more likely.
More precisely, the new size is quantizeto[i]
where i = j + round(Int, x * length(quantizeto))
where x
is drawn from U(minrel, maxrel)
and j
is the index for which quantizeto[j]
is the closest to the current batch size.
Use the function mutate_batchsize
to get a feeling for how different values of l1
, l2
and quantizeto
affect the new batch sizes. Note that setting l1 == l2
means that x
in the descriptions above will always equal to l1
(and l2
) can also be useful in this context.
julia> using NaiveGAflux
julia> m = TrainBatchSizeMutation(-0.1, 0.1);
julia> m(BatchSizeIteratorMap(16, 32, identity))
BatchSizeIteratorMap{typeof(identity)}(NaiveGAflux.TrainBatchSize(15), NaiveGAflux.ValidationBatchSize(32), identity)
julia> m = TrainBatchSizeMutation(-0.1, 0.1, ntuple(i -> 2^i, 10)); # Quantize to powers of 2
julia> m(BatchSizeIteratorMap(16, 32, identity))
BatchSizeIteratorMap{typeof(identity)}(NaiveGAflux.TrainBatchSize(32), NaiveGAflux.ValidationBatchSize(32), identity)
julia> NaiveGAflux.mutate_batchsize(Int, 16, -0.3, 0.3)
julia> NaiveGAflux.mutate_batchsize(Int, 16, -0.3, 0.3)
julia> NaiveGAflux.mutate_batchsize(ntuple(i -> 2^i, 10), 16, -0.3, 0.3)
julia> NaiveGAflux.mutate_batchsize(ntuple(i -> 2^i, 10), 16, -0.3, 0.3)
Wrapping Mutation Operations
— TypeVertexMutation <: DecoratingMutation{CompGraph} VertexMutation(m::AbstractMutation{AbstractVertex}, s::AbstractVertexSelection) VertexMutation(m::AbstractMutation{AbstractVertex})
Applies a wrapped AbstractMutation{AbstractVertex}
to each selected vertex in a CompGraph
Vertices to select is determined by the configured AbstractVertexSelection
— TypeMutationProbability{T} <: DecoratingMutation{T}
MutationProbability(m::AbstractMutation{T}, p::Probability)
MutationProbability(m::AbstractMutation{T}, p::Number)
Applies m
with probability p
— TypeWeightedMutationProbability{T,F} <: DecoratingMutation{T}
WeightedMutationProbability(m::AbstractMutation::T, pfun::F)
Applies m
to an entity e
with a probability pfun(e)
— FunctionHighUtilityMutationProbability(m::AbstractMutation{T}, pbase::Real, rng=rng_default; spread=0.5)
Return a WeightedMutationProbability
which applies m
to vertices with an (approximately) average probability of pbase
and where high neuronutility
compared to other vertices in same graph means higher probability.
Parameter spread
can be used to control how much the difference in probability is between high and low utlity. High spread means high difference while low spread means low difference.
— FunctionLowUtilityMutationProbability(m::AbstractMutation{T}, pbase::Real, rng=rng_default; spread=2)
Return a WeightedMutationProbability
which applies m
to vertices with an (approximately) average probability of pbase
and where low neuronutility
compared to other vertices in same graph means higher probability.
Parameter spread
can be used to control how much the difference in probability is between high and low utlity. High spread means high difference while low spread means low difference.
— TypeMutationChain{T} <: DecoratingMutation{T}
Chains multiple AbstractMutation{T}
s after each other.
Input entities will be mutated by the first AbstractMutation{T}
in the chain and the output will be fed into the next AbstractMutation{T}
in the chain and so on. The output from the last AbstractMutation{T}
is returned.
— TypeLogMutation{T} < :DecoratingMutation{T}
LogMutation(strfun, m::AbstractMutation{T}; level = Logging.Info, nextlogfun=e -> PrefixLogger(" "))
LogMutation(strfun, level::LogLevel, nextlogfun, m::AbstractMutation{T})
Logs all mutation operations.
Argument strfun
maps the mutated entity to the logged string.
Calling nextlogfun(e)
where e
is the entity to mutate produces an AbstractLogger
which will be used when applying m(e)
By default, this is used to add a level of indentation to subsequent logging calls which makes logs of hierarchical mutations (e.g. mutate a CompGraph by applying mutations to some of its vertices) easier to read. Set nextlogfun = e -> current_logger()
to remove this behaviour.
— TypeMutationFilter{T} <: DecoratingMutation{T}
MutationFilter(predicate, m)
Applies mutation m
only for entities e
for which predicate(e)
returns true.