Fitness Functions
— Functionfitness(f::AbstractFitness, c::AbstractCandidate)
Compute the fitness metric f
for candidate c
— TypeAccuracyFitness <: AbstractFitness
Measure fitness as the accuracy on a dataset.
— TypeTrainThenFitness{I,L,O,F} <: AbstractFitness
TrainThenFitness(;dataiter, defaultloss, defaultopt, fitstrat, invalidfitness=0.0)
Measure fitness using fitstrat
after training the model using dataiter
Loss function and optimiser may be provided by the candidate if lossfun(c; defaultloss)
and opt(c; defaultopt)
are implemented, otherwise defaultloss
and defaultopt
will be used.
The data used for training is the result of itergeneration(dataiter, gen)
where gen
is the generation number. This defaults to returning dataiter
but allows for more complex iterators such as StatefulGenerationIter
If the model loss is ever NaN
or Inf
the training will be stopped and invalidfitness
will be returned without calculating the fitness using fitstrat
Tip: Use TimedIterator
to stop training of models which take too long to train.
— Typestruct TrainAccuracyFitness <: AbstractFitness
TrainAccuracyFitness(;drop=0.5, kwargs...)
Measure fitness as the accuracy on the training data set. Beware of overfitting!
Parameter drop
determines the fraction of examples to drop for fitness measurement. This mitigates the penalty for newly mutated candidates as the first part of the training examples are not used for fitness.
Other keyword arguments are passed to TrainThenFitness
constructor. Note that fitstrat
should generally be left to default value.
Advantage vs AccuracyFitness
is that one does not have to run through another data set. Disadvantage is that evolution will likely favour candidates which overfit.
— TypeSizeFitness <: AbstractFitness
Measure fitness as the total number of parameters in the function to be evaluated.
— TypeTimeFitness{T} <: AbstractFitness
Measure fitness as time to evaluate a function.
Time for first nskip
evaluations will be discarded.
— TypeLogFitness{F, MF} <: AbstractFitness
LogFitness(fitnesstrategy::AbstractFitness) = LogFitness(;fitnesstrategy)
LogFitness(;currgen=0, candcnt=0, fitnesstrategy, msgfun=default_fitnessmsgfun)
Logs the fitness of fitnessstrategy
along with some candiate information.
— TypeGpuFitness{F} <: AbstractFitness
Move candidates to gpu
before calculating their fitness according to fitnesstrategy
Copies parameters back to the given candidate after fitness have been computed to ensure that updated parameters from training are used. Assumes canidates have parameters on cpu
for that step.
Note that if no gpu
is available this should be a noop.
— TypeMapFitness <: AbstractFitness
MapFitness(mapping::Function, base::AbstractFitness)
Maps fitness x
from base
to mapping(x)
— TypeEwmaFitness(base)
EwmaFitness(α, base)
Computes the exponentially weighted moving average of the fitness of base
. Assumes that candidates previous fitness metric is available through fitness(cand)
Main purpose is to mitigate the effects of fitness noise.
for some hints as to why this might be needed.
— TypeAggFitness <: AbstractFitness
AggFitness(aggfun::Function, fitnesses::AbstractFitness...)
Aggreagate fitness value from all fitnesses
using aggfun