Misc. Utilities
— TypeMutationShield <: DecoratingTrait
MutationShield(t, allowed...)
Shields its associated vertex from being selected for mutation.
Any types in allowed
will be allowed to mutate the vertex if supplied when calling allow_mutation
Note that vertex might still be modified if an adjacent vertex is mutated in a way which propagates to a shielded vertex.
— TypeApplyIf <: DecoratingTrait
ApplyIf(predicate::Function, apply::Function, base::MutationTrait)
Enables calling apply(v)
for an AbstractVertex v
which has this trait if 'predicate(v) == true'.
Motivating use case is to have a way to remove vertices which have ended up as noops, e.g. element wise and concatenation vertices with a single input or identity activation functions.
— TypePersistentArray{T, N} <: AbstractArray{T, N}
PersistentArray(savedir::String, nr::Integer, generator;suffix=".jls")
PersistentArray(savedir::String, suffix::String, data::Array)
Simple persistent array. Can be created from serialized data and can be asked to persist its elements using persist
Note that once initialized, the array is not backed by the serialized data. Adding/deleting files is not reflected in data and vice versa.
— Functionpersist(a::PersistentArray)
Serializes the elements of a
, one file per element.
— TypeShieldedOpt{R} <: Flux.Optimise.AbstractOptimiser
Shields rule
from mutation by OptimiserMutation
— TypeAutoOptimiser{L}
AutoOptimiser(gradfun, layer, opt)
AutoOptimiser(gradfun, opt)
Updates parameters for layer
whenever gradients are computed during the backwards pass.
This bending of the (r)rules serves the following purposes:
- It allows for gradients to be gc:ed/freed eagerly, reducing the memory pressure.
- It prevents explosive compile times when updating parameters for large and nested models.
- It allows optimiser state to be mutated and transformed (e.g.
) together with the model (not implemented yet).
Designed to be used as layerfun
argument to fluxvertex
. In particular, AutoOptimiser(o)
and AutoOptimiser(gradfun, o)
where o
is an Optimiser.AbstractRule
returns a function which expects the layer
to enable constructs like layerfun = LazyMutable ∘ AutoOptimiser(Descent())
Parameters are updated through gradfun(optstate, layer, grad)
which is expected to return a tuple with the new optimiser state and the gradient for layer (typically either grad
or NoTangent()
). Note that this is different compared to what Optimiser.update!
returns, meaning that Optimisers.update!
by itself can't be given as gradfun
(although gradfun
typically calls Optimiser.update!
— TypeImplicitOpt{R}
Sentinel value to be used e.g. for a CandidateOptModel
or a TrainThenFitness
to mark that parameters are updated implicitly when taking gradients.
Main use case is when an AutoOptimiser
is used to update the model.