Misc. Utilities
— Functionlayer(v)
Return the computation wrapped inside v
and inside any mutable wrappers.
julia> using NaiveNASflux, Flux
julia> layer(fluxvertex(Dense(2,3), inputvertex("in", 2)))
Dense(2 => 3) # 9 parameters
— TypeKernelSizeAligned(Δsize; pad)
Strategy for changing kernel size of convolutional layers where filters remain phase aligned. In other words, the same element indices are removed/added for all filters and only 'outer' elements are dropped or added.
Call with vertex as input to change weights.
julia> using NaiveNASflux, Flux
julia> cv = fluxvertex(Conv((3,3), 1=>1;pad=SamePad()), conv2dinputvertex("in", 1));
julia> cv(ones(Float32, 4,4,1,1)) |> size
(4, 4, 1, 1)
julia> layer(cv).weight |> size
(3, 3, 1, 1)
julia> cv |> KernelSizeAligned(-1, 1; pad=SamePad());
julia> cv(ones(Float32, 4,4,1,1)) |> size
(4, 4, 1, 1)
julia> layer(cv).weight |> size
(2, 4, 1, 1)
— TypeNeuronUtilityEvery{N,T}
NeuronUtilityEvery(n::Int, method::T)
Calculate neuron utility using method
every n
:th call.
Useful to reduce runtime overhead.